Ask Yourself

Do you keep changing with time

Or remain as you are?

Do you bring in new thoughts daily

Or still stuck with the old?

Do you take out time for yourself

Or are just lost?


Are you giving up on yourself

Or just wanna go on?

Are you thinking about all of it

Or you just let it go?

Are you happy being just you

Or want a better you?


Will you ever turn back and see

Or just move ahead?

Will you try to look at things my way

Or is it always about you?

Will you ever look at life passionately

Or you like being dull?


All this is neither about you

Nor me, these are just a few

A few questions I sometimes ask

Answers to these I sometimes seek

To reflect in life and look at life

To find in life, the real essence of living


P.S. Now read the poem again by thinking of each question in a way that the answer is both a yes and a no….. because we always have two sides to us.

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